Friday, October 20, 2017

Thank you Guest Musicians!

2nd graders had a wonderful opportunity to hear from some very talented guest musicians this past rotation! Huge thanks go out to Dr. Andrew Briddell, Andrea Barnes, Debra Vaughan, Chris Landerud, Melissa Soto, Bill Fuller, Tom Niebauer, and Chris Matz for sharing their love of music with my students!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

African Music Unit for First Grade

Sound Story "Ananse and the Sticky Glue"

Obwisanna Song and Game

The end of the Lion Game

Experiencing African Musical Instruments

First graders really enjoyed the African Music Unit! 
We talked about how children in Africa don't need expensive toys to have fun...and we don't either!  :) Today a staff member told me that she saw a few first grade girls sitting in a circle yesterday at recess playing Obwisanna! That made my day, as it shows a connection outside of music class!  :)
Sound stories are always fun, and the students loved experiencing/playing the African Musical Instruments.