Sunday, September 28, 2014

2nd grade Collaborative Group Project- Updated!!!

I'm always looking for ways to improve my teaching practice, and hope that this new project idea will be both engaging and meaningful for my 2nd graders!

Par for the course with a new project involving technology, adjustments have been made!
A couple of the websites I mentioned in my video do not work with iPads, so I now have two websites that the students are exploring in their group work.
Arts Alive
Dallas Symphony Kids

However, the sites mentioned in the video are well worth exploring on computer or a device that has flash capability!
San Francisco Symphony Kids
NewYork Philharmonic Kids

Monday, September 22, 2014

Request from my Kindergarten Friends....

My Kindergarten friends have been loving our Nursery Rhyme unit with different versions of familiar rhymes.  Their absolute favorite is "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" found on K8 KidTunes
It sounds like the "store" part of this website will be closing soon, so if you are interested in purchasing and downloading songs, please act quickly!  :)
Other parts of the site look like fun, so this may be a great one to bookmark!  :)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

2nd Graders Explore the Instrument Families

Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra Instrument Safari

In second grade music classes we are learning about the instrument families of the orchestra. This website presents the concept in an engaging and fun way.  Students are welcome to explore this at home, as well, and can register for a free account.